Frank and friends

What a lovely day with Frank and friends from Switzerland. I built a bespoke tour especially for them including Beatles and Ghosts. This job came to me through Black Taxi Tours London. A tour company [Read More]

Where’s Roberta ?”

Taking Roberta Gonzalez and her cameraman to Windsor for filming just before the Royal Wedding (Harry and Megan). You can watch the whole event on Wheres Roberta on KPIX TV. 

The Posdamer family

What a great time we had . And an education for me too when Jeff and I came across Mathematical society exhibit in the Guildhall. And everyone enjoyed fish and chips

Gontard Family

A great 6 hours showing 3 generations of the Gontard Family around the sights of London.  A fabulous opportunity to walk the Mall with no traffic . And we also got to see the practice [Read More]

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